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પિતા પર નિબંધ

પàªàªàª પઠàªàªàªàªàª

પàªàªàª ઠàªàªªàªàª àªàવàªàªàªàª àªààªà àªààªàઠàªàªàªàઠઅàªà àªàªàªààªàªàªààªàª àªà. àªà àªàªªàªà àªà àªàઠàªà àªàªà àªàªààªàઠàªà, àªà àªàªªàªà àªààª-àªà:àª, àªàવ-satisfaction, અàªà àªàwatantrata. àªà àªàªªàªà àªàવ-jivan, àªàwabhiman, અàªà àªàwavalamban. àªà àªàªª-aap, àª-a, અ-a.

essay on father in gujarati

Some possible additional paragraphs are:



Some possible content for the paragraphs are:


My father is my role model and my guide. He has taught me many values and skills that have shaped my personality and character. He is a hardworking and honest businessman who always strives to provide for his family and fulfill his responsibilities. He is also a loving and caring father who supports me in my studies and hobbies and encourages me to pursue my dreams.


My father is my friend and my mentor. He always listens to me and understands me. He shares his experiences and wisdom with me and helps me to solve my problems and doubts. He also respects my opinions and choices and gives me freedom and space to grow as an individual. He is always there for me when I need him.


My father is my hero

3. My father is my hero and my inspiration. He has faced many challenges and difficulties in his life, but he never gave up or lost hope. He always worked hard and smart to overcome his problems and achieve his goals. He is also a generous and kind person who helps others in need and contributes to society. He is respected and admired by everyone who knows him.

4. My father is my teacher and my protector. He has taught me many things that I cannot learn from books or schools. He has taught me how to be honest, responsible, disciplined, confident, and courageous. He has also taught me how to respect myself and others, how to value time and money, how to appreciate nature and culture, and how to live a healthy and happy life. He also protects me from any harm or danger and guides me to make the right decisions.

5. My father is my best friend and my partner in crime. He always understands me and supports me in whatever I do. He shares his joys and sorrows with me and listens to my thoughts and feelings. He also respects my opinions and choices and gives me freedom and space to grow as an individual. He is always there for me when I need him. We also have fun together and enjoy each other's company. We play games, watch movies, go on trips, crack jokes, and do many other things together. e0e6b7cb5c


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